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Services & Solutions

Our Services


  • Offloading 
  • Handling
  • Logistics
  • Utilisation & Storage

Catch & Release

  • Greenhouses
  • Capturing
  • Intermediate storage
  • Stripping/release of CO2

Catch & Logistics

  • Catching
  • Handling
  • Distribution
  • Utilisation & Storage
    • Greenhouses
    • E-fuels
    • Storage

Value Hub

  • Handling CO2
  • Aggregating CO2
  • Distribution
  • Utilisation & Storage

Carbon Utilisation & Storage


Greenhouses require CO2 for crop growth. In the Netherlands alone, the greenhouse sector consumes 2.5-3.0 million metric tons of CO2 annually, with 0.7-1.0 million metric tons sourced externally. Value Carbon’s system delivers captured CO2 in solvent-bound form to greenhouses. At the greenhouse site, a desorption unit separates the CO2 from the solvent and injects it into the growing environment. The solvent is then returned to the port or vessel for reuse, creating an efficient and circular supply chain.

Catch & Release for greenhouses

Greenhouses operate CHP (Combined Heat and Power) systems that generate heat, electricity, and CO2. However, due to electricity pricing dynamics, greenhouses often release CO2 at night and struggle to produce affordable CO2 during the day. Value Carbon’s Catch and Release system allows greenhouse owners to capture their emitted CO2 at night, store it, and release it during the day when needed. This approach significantly reduces CO2 waste and aligns with sustainability targets.

Industrial companies

Value Carbon’s technology is also suitable for small-scale land-based emitters, such as generators and CHP plants emitting less than 100,000 tons of CO2 annually. These emitters can capture and purify CO2 on-site before transporting it to various end-use applications, including storage, greenhouses, and fuel production.


VC identifies e-methanol as a crucial fuel for the future. The production of synthetic methanol requires CO2 as a feedstock, making captured carbon an excellent input. Ships equipped with carbon capture and running on methanol can complete a circular process by capturing and reusing CO2.


Storage solutions such as Porthos, Aramis, and Northern Lights provide opportunities for long-term CO2 sequestration. Depending on the location, CO2 may be stored in gaseous form or liquefied for injection. The Value Hub will play a crucial role in preparing CO2 for underground storage.

Underground storage is recognized under EU ETS regulations as a valid emissions reduction strategy. Future developments may also allow for permanent chemical binding of CO2, pending regulatory approvals.

Value Hub

Value Carbon is developing the Value Hub in the Port of Rotterdam to handle CO2 for various applications. The hub will enable purification, compression, and liquefaction of CO2. It will also provide storage facilities for both lean and rich solvents, facilitating transport to underground storage, synthetic fuel producers, and greenhouses via pipelines or trucks.